UpStarts is Lane County's only literary rag authored by school-aged youth. YWA is able to provide this publication free to the public because of generous community donations and a Community Arts Grant from Lane Arts Council with support from City of Eugene Cultural Services Division.
Submission Guidelines for UpStarts
We at YWA are eager to receive your writing and visual art. The guidelines are simple. Submit writing in any genre: poetry, short story, science fiction, memoir, fantasy, thriller, mystery, an interview, editorial, or personal letter format-- humorous, magical or serious, short or long. Send us your photos and artwork, illustrate your writing, or create cartoons. Have fun. Be sure to include name, school, age, phone number, and address. Keep a copy for yourself, we won't be able to return your work.
Cost: free
Send to:
UpStarts, YWA
PO Box 51538
Eugene, OR 97777